Monday, February 22, 2016

Job Prep Bootcamp and Snow Delays

Waking up Tuesday morning, before even checking my phone, I knew we were going to have a delay. My Jeep was covered in a snowy/ ice mixture and the parking lot was nothing but a hard slush and ice mixture. Sure enough, I checked my phone and I had a text saying that we had a 2 hour delay; about an hour later I received a text saying that school was cancelled for the day. This was the first time while student teaching that school was cancelled and it was a weird feeling… what would I do all day? Would I sleep? Would I go shopping? Would I do homework? Ill be 100% honest with you guys, I did very little homework but I got all of my laundry done and cooked some meals for the rest of the week, overall, it was a productive day!

After a long weekend and a snow day, the students were wound up and not really feeling the whole “school thing” on Wednesday… It took me a while to get my 1st period freshman to calm down and to find their new seats that I had prepared for them. All of my classes throughout the day were full of energy, but were not really focused on being at school!

The seminar on Friday was very informative! I learned so much from the “job prep bootcamp”! We learned how to build a stronger resume, cover letter, interviews, negotiating contracts, and more job attaining skills! The people that took time out of their personal lives to come in and talk to the #psuaged16 cohort did an amazing job and made the day fly by! I cannot thank them enough!!

It was also very nice to see all of my cohort members and other people from Penn State that I have not seen since December. Overall, I had a great time at the “job prep bootcamp”!

What Went Well:

Adaptations- I feel that I adapted well to the short week that we had because of a snow day and our first student teaching seminar today (Friday, February 19)!

Respect- I believe that students are beginning to respect me more and I am starting to build a rapport with students who were continually “testing” me and my patience.

What Needs Improved:

Time- Something that I need to improve on is making sure that I leave enough time at the end of the class for my students to ask questions and create closure at the end of class. I often get wrapped up in my lessons and do not realize how much time I have left!



  1. I agree rapport is so important to give and gain respect. How are you developing that rapport? What strategies could you share with your peers?


  2. Time is our most valuable commodity.

    Let's also work on making sure our blog posts are done by the 5pm Sunday Deadline!
