Tuesday, April 12, 2016

SAE visit #1 of the Semester

Now i know that I should have done this blog a long, long time ago... but I completely forgot about it until I did my second Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) visit, that will be coming pretty directly after this one! During this SAE visit, I went to visit one of my senior boys, he works at the local Martin Oil Company gas station. He keeps a Paid Placement SAE record book on The AET. This student is super hard working and it came to no surprise to me that his boss and co-workers all loved when they were working the same shift. I got the feeling that his co-workers knew that he would pull more than his own weight while on the clock!

While completing the visit, I pondered through the store and observed how this student worked. He always had a smile on his face and worked well with his customers and his co-workers! It was a great feeling for me to see one of my students work so hard at his job and to see a kid who goes to school, right to a job after! It is not something that you see too much anymore! Not only does this student work at Martin Oil Company, but he also works at the local grocery store!

I firmly believe that most students enjoy whenever they get a visit from their advisor; it is their short amount of time to show off their hard work and dedication to whatever they are doing! I look forward to many more SAE visits to come in the future!

Until Next Time,


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